
Free Download Swipe Brick Breaker APK

Run Swipe Brick Breaker on PC or MAC? want to find a way without budget to do it? if so, youre going to the right places. In order to run Swipe Brick Breaker on PC or MAC you need an emulator to run APK. There are some good emulator that we can suggest you like Bluestacks, Andy OS, and Remix OS Player, feel free to choose one of them. But remember not all apps or game can be played on emulator, we dont know until we tried.

play Swipe Brick Breaker on pc & macplay Swipe Brick Breaker on pc & mac

Swipe Brick Breaker have been reach 5,000,000 - 10,000,000 installation. Lets read the description of Swipe Brick Breaker before we install it on PC or MAC.
If your'e not interested on Description click Here to skip App Description

The champion of time killer!
Most addictive! simple and minimal game play!.

Don't worry about losing ball. Just focus on breaking.
Just swipe to shoot the balls. Deal damage to bricks and break bricks.
You can make endless ball chain!

Enjoy ingenious turn based arkanoid style game.

Download for free.
There is no in-app purchase.
You can play without internet connection.

- Free to play
- Endless gameplay
- score competition with players from all over the world

[How to play]
- Swipe to shoot balls to break the bricks.
- When ball hits the brick, durability is reduced. When durability reduce to 0, brick breaks.
- Get the green circle to increase the number of balls.
- When the bricks reach the bottom line, game is over.
- Challenge to make yout high score!

Monthly23 is independent one man developer who release game every month.
Make addictive minimalist game for all ages.

Visit our facebook page.

Enough with description, lets continue

How To Download Swipe Brick Breaker APK File and the emulator

There are 2 ways to install or run Swipe Brick Breaker your PC or MAC, first is Direct install from playstore from your choosen emulator and the second one is install using Swipe Brick Breaker APK File.
To download APK File of Swipe Brick Breaker you need this information, make sure you save it
Google Play Link : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Monthly23.SwipeBrickBreaker
Com : com.Monthly23.SwipeBrickBreaker

Installing Swipe Brick Breaker from Google Play

  1. Download and Install The emulator first, Bluestacks, Andy OS, Remix OS

  2. Configure Android Emulator First, read trough the tutorial i gave you above in Emulator download section

  3. Open Google Play and type " on search bar and press enter

  4. Select Swipe Brick Breaker on Search Result and click Install

  5. Wain for finish installing, and you can enjou your Swipe Brick Breaker

Install Swipe Brick Breaker from APK File

  1. Download and Install The emulator first, Bluestacks, Andy OS, Remix OS

  2. Configure Android Emulator First, read trough the tutorial i gave you above in Emulator download section

  3. Read Here To How To Download APK File

  4. Drag your APK you download before to your installed before

  5. Play Your Game

I hope this tutorial about Run Swipe Brick Breaker on PC Or MAC is helping you, dont mind to leave some comment about this article, Dont forget to share this tutorial to your friend on Facebook , Twitter, and Etc.
Thanks for visitiong our blog.

play Swipe Brick Breaker on pc & macplay Swipe Brick Breaker on pc & mac

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