Apakah kamu ingin memainkan di Komputer atau Laptop kamu ?, agar kamu bisa menginstall di PC, kamu harus menggunakan salah satu dari beberapa emulator khusus untuk android. Kamu bisa pilih salah satu yang cocok menurutkamu dari : Bluestacks, Bluestacks 2, Andy OS, atau Remix OS Player. Tapi Sebelumnya silahkan disimak keterangan dari :

Description :
Ada beberapa cara untuk mendownload Fishing Hook di windows atau MAC kamu, Cara pertama yaitu dengan cara mendownload file APK dari Fishing Hook langsung di komputer kamu. Cara kedua yaitu dengan cara langsung membuka Aplikasi Google Play di Emulator yang kamu gunakan seperti kamu menggunakannya di Handphone atau Tablet kamu. Dari cara tersebut kamu dapat memilih salah satu atau kedunya sesuai dengan keinginin kamu.

Description :
- If you pull the button, it gives the fish damage and brings fish to you.
- If you push striking pin with tension gauge, you can reduce the great distance between fish.
- If you release the challenge fish, you can catch stronger and more expensive challenge fish next time.
- You can enjoy playing the game without using data since it uses low capacity and it doesn't require network connection.
- Fishing Hook is a fishing game for you to enjoy the feelings of real fishing as it is.
Game Features
1. 16 multi languages support
2. Supports achievement and ranking
3. Supports tablet devices
Recently, Device Galaxy Note 5 Grace UX software was updated.
Also, we find out Data Save/Load system doesn't work properly from Fishing Hook.
If your Device is Galaxy Note 5, We know it is really inconvenient,but make sure you must deactivation the "AUTOMATIC RESTORE".
Please follow the options below, and then click OK to save your changes
1. Touch the "Setting"
2. Touch the "Cloud and Accounts"
3. Touch the "Backup"
4. Off the "Automatic Restore"
★About permission★
Allow FishingHook to access photos, media, and files on your device?
-> for share function
Allow FishingHook to access your contcts?
-> for Save to cloud
Allow FishingHook to make and manage phone calls?
-> for stable when your get call
[Android 6.0 OS or higher user Notification]
You have to allow the authority for smooth game play.
Apps Management-> Fishing Hook -> Permissions -> allow
YouTube :
- If you push striking pin with tension gauge, you can reduce the great distance between fish.
- If you release the challenge fish, you can catch stronger and more expensive challenge fish next time.
- You can enjoy playing the game without using data since it uses low capacity and it doesn't require network connection.
- Fishing Hook is a fishing game for you to enjoy the feelings of real fishing as it is.
Game Features
1. 16 multi languages support
2. Supports achievement and ranking
3. Supports tablet devices
Recently, Device Galaxy Note 5 Grace UX software was updated.
Also, we find out Data Save/Load system doesn't work properly from Fishing Hook.
If your Device is Galaxy Note 5, We know it is really inconvenient,but make sure you must deactivation the "AUTOMATIC RESTORE".
Please follow the options below, and then click OK to save your changes
1. Touch the "Setting"
2. Touch the "Cloud and Accounts"
3. Touch the "Backup"
4. Off the "Automatic Restore"
★About permission★
Allow FishingHook to access photos, media, and files on your device?
-> for share function
Allow FishingHook to access your contcts?
-> for Save to cloud
Allow FishingHook to make and manage phone calls?
-> for stable when your get call
[Android 6.0 OS or higher user Notification]
You have to allow the authority for smooth game play.
Apps Management-> Fishing Hook -> Permissions -> allow
YouTube :
Download Fishing Hook Di PC / Komputer
Ada beberapa cara untuk mendownload Fishing Hook di windows atau MAC kamu, Cara pertama yaitu dengan cara mendownload file APK dari Fishing Hook langsung di komputer kamu. Cara kedua yaitu dengan cara langsung membuka Aplikasi Google Play di Emulator yang kamu gunakan seperti kamu menggunakannya di Handphone atau Tablet kamu. Dari cara tersebut kamu dapat memilih salah satu atau kedunya sesuai dengan keinginin kamu.
- Download dan Install Bluestacks Player, Andy OS, Remix OS Player
- Download Fishing Hook APK di PC / Komputer / MAC kamu. Baca tutorial disini
- Pastikan kamu sudah mengkonfigurasi Emulator kamu
- Jika kamu ingin langsung menggunakan Google Play ikuti langkah dibawah
- Buka Google Play di Emulator kamu
- Lalu di kotak pencarian ketikkan Fishing Hook dan tekan enter atau tombol cari
- Setelah selesai terinstall, kamu bisa memainkannya di emulator kamu
- Selamat Bermain