
Free Download FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS For PC, Laptop, and Mac

Apakah kamu ingin memainkan di Komputer atau Laptop kamu ?, agar kamu bisa menginstall di PC, kamu harus menggunakan salah satu dari beberapa emulator khusus untuk android. Kamu bisa pilih salah satu yang cocok menurutkamu dari : Bluestacks, Bluestacks 2, Andy OS, atau Remix OS Player. Tapi Sebelumnya silahkan disimak keterangan dari :

 for PC for PC for PC

Description :
So begins a new tale of crystals...

A tried-and-true, yet brand new RPG!

SQUARE ENIX’s first title aimed at a worldwide audience;
a brand new FINAL FANTASY game available for smartphones!
Play an entirely new RPG made in classic FINAL FANTASY style!

Includes characters
from past FINAL FANTASY titles!

Enjoy this expansive storyline
right on your phone!


-Simple battle feature with strategy!
Easy and interactive battles! Tap the screen to attack, but combine magic abilities with tactical know-how to overpower your opponents in strategic maneuvers!Plus!
High quality CG animations of your favorite FINAL FANTASY summons!

-Search in the field and complete dungeons!
Move characters through fields and dungeons to search for items, hidden paths, and new routes to your destinations!
Talk to people in towns to receive quests. Complete them to get items, gil, and even rare items!
It's got all the many features of an RPG in an easy portable form!

- Arena PVP battles!
Fight other players and get to the top!
Take your favorite party to war against your rivals and fight for great prizes!


The hopes and dreams of
legendary warriors given life.
A world of crystals and the visions that slumber within.

Harnessing the power of the crystals,
mankind prospered, nations flourished.
But just as day gives way to night,
that era of peace proved but a fleeting illusion.
Now, as their world stands on the precipice
of ruin, two young knights summon visions
to their side as they strike out on a journey
to chase the shadows.
So begins a new tale of crystals,
and the heroes who would save them...


Ada beberapa cara untuk mendownload FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS di windows atau MAC kamu, Cara pertama yaitu dengan cara mendownload file APK dari FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS langsung di komputer kamu. Cara kedua yaitu dengan cara langsung membuka Aplikasi Google Play di Emulator yang kamu gunakan seperti kamu menggunakannya di Handphone atau Tablet kamu. Dari cara tersebut kamu dapat memilih salah satu atau kedunya sesuai dengan keinginin kamu.

  1. Download dan Install Bluestacks Player, Andy OS, Remix OS Player

  2. Download FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS APK di PC / Komputer / MAC kamu. Baca tutorial disini

  3. Pastikan kamu sudah mengkonfigurasi Emulator kamu

  4. Jika kamu ingin langsung menggunakan Google Play ikuti langkah dibawah

  5. Buka Google Play di Emulator kamu

  6. Lalu di kotak pencarian ketikkan FINAL FANTASY BRAVE EXVIUS dan tekan enter atau tombol cari

  7. Setelah selesai terinstall, kamu bisa memainkannya di emulator kamu

  8. Selamat Bermain

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