
Free Download Conquest 3 Kingdoms For PC, Laptop, and Mac

Apakah kamu ingin memainkan di Komputer atau Laptop kamu ?, agar kamu bisa menginstall di PC, kamu harus menggunakan salah satu dari beberapa emulator khusus untuk android. Kamu bisa pilih salah satu yang cocok menurutkamu dari : Bluestacks, Bluestacks 2, Andy OS, atau Remix OS Player. Tapi Sebelumnya silahkan disimak keterangan dari :

 for PC for PC for PC

Description :
Conquest 3 Kingdoms is a new simulation & strategy game based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms saga. Build your own kingdom and feel the heat of war in ancient battlefields like in Three Kingdoms Era! Plan your strategy to achieve eternal victory and unite all the kingdoms under your rule! The time has come to fulfill your destiny, as the strongest EMPEROR in history of the world!

•Manage your Kingdoms•
Build and expand your cities, increase your wealth, repel all the enemies that threaten your kingdom!

•Live the Story•
Became a part of history! Finish scenario quests that are based on historical events from the Three Kingdoms era, pitting yourself against many legendary characters such as Guan Yu, Cao Cao, Zhuge Liang even Lu Bu along the way!

Enemies can attack your kingdom 24/7! So be prepared to protect your kingdom at all times!

•Godly Equipment•
Collect unique and exotic equipment based on mythological creatures such as Phoenix, Dragon or Tortoise, each with its own special powers!

•Became the EMPEROR•
Think you got what it takes to become an emperor? Then prove your might, conquer all Three Kingdoms and make your kingdom the strongest of them all!

•Legendary Generals!•
Recruit Legendary Generals from the Three Kingdoms era to lead your army! Use their mighty skills and plow your road to victory!

Use voice chat to plan your strategies with other players in your Kingdom! Don't let your enemies know your
strategies and get the upper hand!

For further details please visit : http://goo.gl/nmQdQi

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- Permission is needed by our analytics tracker, to identify behaviour for specific users.
- Permissions is needed by our analytics tracker, to identify behaviour for specific users.
- Permission is needed to read credentials & images to support multiple accounts login.
- Permissions is needed to save credentials & images to support multiple accounts login.
- Permission is needed  to use voice chat in the game.

For any questions or comments on the awesome real time strategy, multiplayer online war game Conquest 3
Kingdoms, email us at: cs@maingames.com

Official Facebook : https://goo.gl/jAqAmA

Download Conquest 3 Kingdoms Di PC / Komputer

Ada beberapa cara untuk mendownload Conquest 3 Kingdoms di windows atau MAC kamu, Cara pertama yaitu dengan cara mendownload file APK dari Conquest 3 Kingdoms langsung di komputer kamu. Cara kedua yaitu dengan cara langsung membuka Aplikasi Google Play di Emulator yang kamu gunakan seperti kamu menggunakannya di Handphone atau Tablet kamu. Dari cara tersebut kamu dapat memilih salah satu atau kedunya sesuai dengan keinginin kamu.

  1. Download dan Install Bluestacks Player, Andy OS, Remix OS Player

  2. Download Conquest 3 Kingdoms APK di PC / Komputer / MAC kamu. Baca tutorial disini

  3. Pastikan kamu sudah mengkonfigurasi Emulator kamu

  4. Jika kamu ingin langsung menggunakan Google Play ikuti langkah dibawah

  5. Buka Google Play di Emulator kamu

  6. Lalu di kotak pencarian ketikkan Conquest 3 Kingdoms dan tekan enter atau tombol cari

  7. Setelah selesai terinstall, kamu bisa memainkannya di emulator kamu

  8. Selamat Bermain

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